Resources on How to Read the Bible

  • The Bible Project - How To Read The Bible Playlist

    The Bible Project has a series of videos on YouTube on some of the basics of how to read the Bible from a story and literary perspective. It doesn’t go in depth and it doesn’t get into some of the sticky issues, but it is a great introduction.

  • The Bible Project - Paradigm Podcast Series

    This is a series of podcasts from the Bible Project that gets much more in depth into different paradigm shifts that must be made in order to read the Bible the way Jesus did. This is where they address some of the more sticky issues and the differences in the way they interpret the Bible.

  • NT Wright - The Authority of Scripture

    NT Wright is one of the most highly respected New Testament scholars today. His works in general are highly recommended. In this article he explains what authority actually is and how reading the Bible as a story, literarily, gives the Bible more authority rather than less.

  • NT Wright - The Challenge of Jesus

    This is not an easy read. It doesn’t talk directly about how to read the bible, but it shows how to step out of our modern culture and into the Jewish culture and how that changes and transforms the way we see Jesus.

  • Richards & O'Brien - Misreading Scripture With Individualist Eyes

    This book is a good first book to look at how our modern, individualist, western culture pervades how we look at Scripture. It is a pretty easy read. We should expect the Bible to be difficult to understand because our culture is thousands of years and miles apart from the ancient Jewish culture.