Resources on Spiritual Growth

  • Ruth Haley Barton - Sacred Rhythms

    Spiritual disciplines often become just rule following and getting spiritual notches on your belt rather than true transformation and growth. This book is about the true heart of Spiritual disciplines, that they’re supposed to be regular life giving rhythms that daily teach your heart, not just mind, the gospel. We are not just brains, we are embodied beings full of heart and emotion. And those areas of ourselves need to be instructed as well. Ruth Haley Barton communicates that really well and this book s a great place to start with teaching your heart.

  • John Mark Comer - The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

    This is an easy to read book about hurry and how our culture is killing ourselves with hurry. It talks about all the underlying values of hurry which go against the gospel and some practical ways to develop rhythms of rest and peace.

  • Peter Scazzero - Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

    This is also a pretty easy to read book. It talks about how we often ignore some of the deeper parts of spirituality, our emotions. So then we think we’re grown up spiritually, because we’re serving and we have a lot of knowledge, but a huge and essential part of our spiritual maturity hasn’t been dealt with.

  • Dallas Willard - The Divine Conspiracy

    This book is much tougher to read. It’s also an older book but it is also a magnum opus. The book has a huge scope, talking about the relevancy of the gospel and Jesus to all of our lives. it’s a book about God, but it’s also a book about following Jesus. It’s a book about discipleship, but it’s also a book about worship.

  • Still In Development

    Random resources still in development